Contact us

Annika Parance Éditeur
1043, rue Marie-Anne Est
Montréal (Québec) H2J 2B5
T 514 658 7217
F 514 419 9727
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Where to find the books ?
Canadian distribution of our English-language books is handled by Fitzhenry & Whiteside Publishers.
Our French-language books are distributed by Diffusion Dimedia.

Fitzhenry & Whiteside Publishers
195 Allstate Parkway
Markham ON L3R 4T8
T 905 477-9700
F 905 477-9179

Diffusion Dimedia
539, boul. Lebeau
Saint-Laurent (Québec)
H4N 1S2
514 336-3941

Submit a manuscript
Manuscripts addressed to Annika Parance Éditeur will be studied with great interest.
Please type you manuscript on paper and send it by mail. 
Non accepted manuscripts will not be returned and manuscripts sent by email will not be considered. 
Moreover, the publisher is not responsible for the manuscripts entrusted to her. 
Manuscripts must be bound, typed in 12 points at the minimum using an easily readable font (Times, Arial, Garamond), with double spacing, paginated and with sufficiently wide margins.
Thank you for adding the following informations : 
- Your name and address, as well as your email address 
- A letter of presentation 
- A brief summary of the book (one page at most)
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